Our Services

We work with your organization to provide individually tailored services to meet your specific needs. The scope of our work can range from short-term singular projects to long term multi- phased engagements. The services we provide include:

Social Justice and Intercultural Competence Training

Our work is rooted in the concept of intercultural praxis. We draw on the strengths of both Social Justice and Intercultural Competence frameworks, prioritizing the development of skills for meaningful self-reflection to strengthen our ability to engage effectively across differences. Our work is informed by the scholarship of many including Dr. Amer Ahmed, Dr. Kathryn Sorrells and the dissertation work of Dr. Rafael Rodriguez.

Restorative Practices Training and Organizational Wellbeing

Restorative Practices is the social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities, including the workplace. Leaders and organizations can transform the workplace and experience an improved climate when adopting a restorative approach as part of their organizational culture. Our Restorative Practices experience allows us to support organizations implement a restorative organizational culture or address a significant and impactful event.

Bias Response Management

Incidents of bias and microaggressions are occurring frequently - in our classrooms, workplaces, and boardrooms – and the nature of these incidents are creating environments that can leave individuals and communities feeling targeted, isolated, and under supported. With our expertise, we will provide organizations with systems, procedures, and practices to effectively review and respond to these adverse climate issues to better meet their goals of cultivating a more inclusive and productive community.

Effective Staffing Practices

Now, more than ever, organizations are experiencing increased scrutiny and accountability to hire, retain, and develop a representative and diverse workforce. Our work focuses on establishing inclusive, anti-racist, and transformative practices that inform the life cycle of an employee (from recruitment to departure). With a proven track record of success, we provide support on several areas including recruitment, onboarding, training, supervision, professional development, mentoring, and departure.

Hosting and Moderating Events

The ability to connect and capture the attention of a globally diverse audience in person or virtually has never been more important to the evolution and wellbeing of any growing organization. At times, to make the biggest impact, it is helpful to partner with a dynamic professional emcee who can provide new insights, make broader connections to the importance of your work and motivate your group in ways that will leave them energized and excited to continue the conversation beyond the retreat, conference, or seminar.

“I have had the pleasure of being with Raf and Jill for nearly 20 years. They are some of the most skilled facilitators and program review specialists in the business. Academic preparation paired with strong experience will leave each participant feeling seen. Having been in this work for nearly 40 years, I’m proud to see the legacy manifested in Abintus Consulting.”

Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington

President and Founder, The Social Justice Training Institute

Training Session and Facilitation Overview

Social Justice and Intercultural Competence Training
  • Foundational Overview – Social Justice and Intercultural Competence
  • Understanding our Similarities and Differences (2 days)
  • Self-work and Skill Development
  • Intercultural Conflict Styles Inventory
Restorative Practices
  • Critical Incident Response Circle
  • Building Campus Community – Restorative Practices Foundational Training
  • Restorative Practices Training of the Trainer
  • Core Concepts Revisit
  • Curriculum Development
Effective Staffing Practices

5 Day Institute focusing on:

  • Reconceptualizing Affirmative Recruitment
  • Critical Moments – Onboarding of New Staff
  • Developing Effective New Staff Training
  • Developing a Supervisory Approach
  • Professional Development Plans and Performance Appraisal
Bias Response Program Development
  • History, Culture and Context
  • Compliance, Systems, and Protocols
  • Training and Development of Team(s) (2 days)
  • Proactive and Responsive Measures
  • Culture of Engagement, Reporting, and Communication


“I had the pleasure of working with Jilliene and Raf while at the University of Vermont. They both bring incredible insights and thoughtfulness to every situation. Their multiculturally competent use of restorative practices throughout everything they do is spectacular. I have seen their efforts create change both individually and culturally for any organization struggling. I highly recommend their consultative services for any organization ready to create sustainable change.”

Dennis DePaul

Executive Director
Vermont's Camp Ta-Kum-Ta

"Jilliene co-led the trustees' racial equity task force. With her leadership, the board was able to look inward, asking for the first time, “What are we doing to ensure that our board is equitable, welcoming and inclusive? And how are we evolving our own internal practices in ways that advance racial justice within the board as well as on campus?" The processes that she built created sustained learning and growth for the trustees, and established ways of working in every part of the board - from finance and facilities to nominations, investments and governance - that assessed and advanced racial equity in an ongoing and robust way.  The impacts were powerful for the board and for the College as a whole!"

Dr. Sarah Bolton

President, Whitman College
Past President, College of Wooster

"I have known and worked with Dr. Rodriguez for many years-- and during this time he has supported my work with university, leadership, staff, and students. Dr. Rodriguez is not only knowledgeable on how core issues of equity and inclusion impact higher education, but he also has a firm grasp of societal and external factors that create the current day conditions and constraints that not only universities must navigate--- but also people in society, generally. His consulting work has included strategy, content learning, as well as capacity building on how to engage effectively across difference, ways to increase individual and collective capacity for empathy, and effective facilitation done in a courageous and authentic manner. I highly recommend the work of Dr. Rodriguez and his team! The takeaways have been numerous."

Lilu Barbosa, Ph.D,

Program Director and Senior Lecturer
Tufts University

"Jilliene can communicate with 10, 100, 1,000 or a million people live or online and makes you feel that she is only talking to you. She is someone you trust and makes her audience feel like friends and you can talk candidly with everyone in the room. Everyone feels they can participate and contribute…and they can …and they do!"

Professor William B. Eimicke,

Picker Center Director, Columbia University
Co-author of Leveling the Learning Curve and Social Value Investing

"Dr. Raf Rodriguez is a tremendous leader who is able to center equity in words as well as in practice. He is able to not only apply but also model restorative leadership practices in ways that are strategic, savvy, and effective."

Keith E. Edwards, PhD

Speaker, Author, and Coach

“Our work with Jilliene changed how our high school responded to bias incidents. She helped us develop a comprehensive bias response system centered on student voice and agency. Her guidance and support were incredibly valuable, insightful, clear, and supportive. She also held the organization accountable when moments of reticence, avoidance, or upholding the status quo occurred. She has been an asset to EWSD, and we would not be where we are today without her support!”

Erin Maguire

Director of Equity & Inclusion,
Essex Westford School District


Transparency, one of our core principles as a company, including when it comes to cost. Our basic costs begin at $4,000/per day for one facilitator. Please note this fee does not include preparation time, travel, specific supplies and services, or other incidentals that may be necessary.